Bonuses for Billionaires

RichardH pointed me to The New York Times piece Bonuses for Billionaires.  It started like this:

The first few times I heard House Republicans talk about our budget mess, I worried that they had plunged off the deep end. But as I kept on listening, a buzzer went off in my mind, and I came to understand how much sense the Tea Party caucus makes.

Why would we impose “job-crushing taxes” on wealthy Americans just to pay for luxuries like federal prisons? Why end the “carried interest” tax loophole for financiers, just to pay for unemployment benefits — especially when those same selfless tycoons are buying yachts and thus creating jobs for all the rest of us?

Richard thought it might be something I had written until he looked at the by line – By Nicholas D. Kristof.  Of course he might have noticed that the guy in the picture had hair on top of his head.

Richard also wants me to advise you that the column contains sarcasm.

Sarcasm Warning – be careful that you don’t read too much of the column before you realize that the author is being sarcastic.

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