Daily Archives: February 8, 2024

Žižek’s Jokes

I first learned about Žižek’s Jokes when someone mentioned the term in a comment on Facebook. My search for the term fist led me to the article 10 jokes from philosopher Slavoj Žižek

In an old joke from the defunct German Democratic Republic, a German worker gets a job in Siberia; aware of how all mail will be read by censors, he tells his friends: “Let’s establish a code: if a letter you will get from me is written in ordinary blue ink, it is true; if it is written in red ink, it is false.” After a month, his friends get the first letter, written in blue ink: “Everything is wonderful here: stores are full, food is abundant, apartments are large and properly heated, movie theaters show films from the West, there are many beautiful girls ready for an affair—the only thing unavailable is red ink.”

There is also a book Žižek’s Jokes

The good news is that this book offers an entertaining but enlightening compilation of Žižekisms. Unlike any other book by Slavoj Žižek, this compact arrangement of jokes culled from his writings provides an index to certain philosophical, political, and sexual themes that preoccupy him. Žižek’s Jokes contains the set-ups and punch lines—as well as the offenses and insults—that Žižek is famous for, all in less than 200 pages.

Sorry, Astronomers: Practically All Of The Universe’s Matter Is Still Missing

The Bigthink website has the article Sorry, Astronomers: Practically All Of The Universe’s Matter Is Still Missing

They said the “missing half” of the Universe’s matter was just found. But what they found barely makes a dent to the big picture.

I am always interested in learning a little more. I probably won’t live long enough to find out what dark matter is.