Interview of James K. Galbraith

The Levy Institute has a podcast Episode 1: James K. Galbraith.

Our inaugural episode, hosted by John Harvey, Professor and Hal Wright Chair of Economics at Texas Christian University. Harvey sits down for an in-depth conversation with James K. Galbraith regarding the state of the economics discipline, central bank policy, and more.

A most fascinating discussion on the history and current status of the world of economic thought. My own thinking is still evolving. It is discussions like this one that keep the topic alive.

Recommended readings:

  • “In Defense of Low Interest Rates,” Policy Note by James K. Galbraith
  • The Poverty of the World, by Sheyda F. A. Jahanbani
  • The Age of Uncertainty, by John K. Galbraith
  • The Anatomy of Power, by John K. Galbraith

Stopping USA Imperialism

There is an interview with Michael Hudson that has the ironic title Perfecting Imperialism.

I learn so much from listening to a Michael Hudson interview even when I think I have learned it all. Much of the revelations to me come as the interview is winding down. His criticism of the left in the USA and the west was amazing. He explained why I am so sympathetic to his point of view. He describes his interest in the whole economy, and what works and what does not work. He does not tend to focus on any particular social group, but he looks at the entirety of how the economy can work for everybody. When I think this way, I label it as “what worksism” That’s the only “ism” that I am for.

Economists as Hired Guns

Michael Hudson has posted this excellent video Economists as Hired Guns. On YouTube it is titled How Finance Capitalism Ruined the World – Dr. Michael Hudson & Dr. Steve Keen, DSPod 203.

How Finance Capitalism Ruined the World – Dr. Michael Hudson & Dr. Steve Keen

Steve Keen had a huge oversight which Michael Hudson failed to correct in what I have seen so far. Keen said that once money passed through the hands of the worker it ended up in the hands of the capitalists. This was better than the money never passing through the hands of the workers. He is ignoring the high tax rates of the 1950s and 1960s. The money passing into the hands of the capitalists was taxed away, and put back into circulation,

Were the Biblical Prophets Anti-Semitic?

Michael Hudson has posted the article Were the Biblical Prophets Anti-Semitic?

If the prophets of ancient Israel such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Malachi and Amos were alive today, Benjamin Netanyahu would accuse them of anti-Semitism for daring to describe his government as a travesty of what the Mosaic covenant was all about.

This article is very daning of the current state of Israel, Not being an expert in, nor wanting to be an expert in the bible, I have no way of knowing if Michael Hudson is making a fair assessment.

Restructuring of the Global Economy

Rokfin has the video Restructuring of the Global Economy – Michael Hudson, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen.

This is a free education handed to you on a silver platter. Most people will not understand what they are passing up when they don’t bother to watch this video. I have followed Michael Hudson for years and The Duran for a shorter time, but I learned a lot from this video. Even to the very end of the video there are things to learn. I thought I came up with the idea of being a “what worksist”, but they endorse that idea at several points in the discussion by coming close to using my very term

Judaism Being Murdered by Israel

Films For action has the article Israel Has Broken My Heart: I’m a Rabbi in Mourning for a Judaism Being Murdered by Israel. By Rabbi Michael Lerner /

It is this love, compassion, justice and peace-oriented Judaism that the State of Israel is murdering. The worshipers of Israel have fallen into a deep cynicism about the possibility of the world that the prophets called for in which nations shall not lift up the sword against each other and they will no longer learn war, and everyone will live in peace. True, that world is not already here, but the Jewish people’s task was to teach people that this world could be brought into being, and that each step we take is either a step toward that world or a step away from it. The Israel worshipers are running away from the world, making it far less possible, and then call their behavior Judaism and Israel “the Jewish state.”

This article was published in Aug 10, 2014. It is shocking how much the situation has worsened in the almost 10 years since this was published.

Escalations Cannot Be Stopped – The White House Is Rattled; Escalations Might All Fuse Into ‘One’

Since Facebook won’t let me post a link to this article, I thought I would post it here so I wouldn’t lose the link. Escalations Cannot Be Stopped – The White House Is Rattled; Escalations Might All Fuse Into ‘One’.

This article was written by Alastair Crooke, Former British diplomat, founder and director of the Beirut-based Conflicts Forum.

Should Israel enter Gaza (and Israel may decide it has no choice but to launch a ground operation, given the domestic political dynamics and public sentiment), it is likely that Hizbullah will incrementally be drawn further in, leaving the U.S. with the binary option of seeing Israel defeated, or launching a major war in which all the hotspots become fused ‘as one’.

In a sense, the Israeli-Islamic conflict now may only be resolved in this kinetic way. All efforts since 1947 have seen the divide only deepen. The reality of the necessity of war is permeating widely the consciousness of the Arabic and Islamic world.