U.S. Senate: Reject Medicare cuts and reject Fast Track 3

Democracy For America has the petition U.S. Senate: Reject Medicare cuts and reject Fast Track.

There’s a big — brand new — attack on Medicare that’s just been added in the Senate to the Fast Track bill for the TPP. The bill would cut a whopping $700 million from Medicare, hurting seniors who need access to health care.

I have received several emails about this. The best I can do to find out what these emails are talking about is the article in The Hill, Healthcare groups object to Medicare cuts in trade bill.

Leading healthcare provider groups are objecting to Medicare cuts being used to help pay for a new House Republican trade bill.

The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) bill helps workers displaced by trade and provides a tax credit to help pay for health insurance. It was rolled out in addition to a proposal to give President Obama “fast-track” authority on trade.

The healthcare providers object to the TAA bill including a 0.25 percent cut in Medicare payments in fiscal year 2024, which amounts to a $700 million cut, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Here is the breathless prose in the email that I received from Democracy for America.

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