Change Even With Appointees From the Clinton Administration
I hear many people expressing doubts that Obama can bring about the change he promised after nominating so many people who served in the Clinton administration to high posts in the Obama administration. The following is my reason for believing these appointments are not a hindrance to the change that he promised.
I accept Obama’s statement that the vision comes from him.
When a board of directors replaces a failing CEO with a new, powerful CEO with vision, many times the company will successfully make a large change in direction. Many of the people in the company other than the new CEO will continue to be the same people that managed the company with the old CEO. Nevertheless the company takes a drastic change in direction. So it can plausibly be with Barack Obama as the new CEO and experienced people who served in the Clinton administration as the rest of the management team.
Since the managers manage to the leader’s vision, many of the people from the Clinton administration may actually have had a vision that aligns more with Obama than with Clinton. They just did not get to behave this way when working for Clinton.
A good manager will either follow the leader’s vision or get the leader to modify his or her vision. If the manager cannot do either, the the manager ought to resign.
The leader sets the direction by deciding the tone that solutions should take. It is up to the managers to find and implement solutions that match the tone or explain to the leader why it can’t be done. A good leader will recognize good faith efforts that fail to find the solution in the direction she or he desired. Upon this recognition, the leader will bow to reality and accept a different solution.