Senator Bernie Sanders presents Tcherneva’s research to Show How Reagan Helped Destroy the Middle Class 1

New Economic Perspectives has the cross-post Senator Bernie Sanders presents Tcherneva’s research to Show How Reagan Helped Destroy the Middle Class.

But when Sanders took to the Senate floor Thursday evening to offer a broad vision for how to do something to help the declining middle class, he offered a stunning chart that showed just how poorly most Americans have fared during economic recoveries since the advent of Reaganomics.

Here is a good look at Pavlina R. Tcherneva’s chart.

Pavlina R. Tcherneva's chart

Notice that the top 10% got more than 100% of the income growth in this latest recovery. If you are in the bottom 90%. not only did the top 10% take all of you share of the income growth from the economic recovery, but they also took a good chunk of the income you were getting before the recovery. And Obama wonders why the voters didn’t turn out in droves to elect his party to majority control of the Congress.

Here is the presentation by Senator Sanders.

The article mentions:

The socialist Democrat is certainly aware that other factors such as technology, the waning of the union movement and globalization all played their roles, but his data makes for an awfully stark portrait.

Well, I object to that.  It is not that the other factors aren’t part and parcel of the concerted effort by the oligarchs of this country to redistribute the wealth upward.  So, being aware of these other factors does not change in any way the story Sanders is presenting.

Comments on the New Economic Perspectives post identify the woman in the video as Stephanie Kelton. For the uninitiated, Stephanie Kelton is the chief economist for the minority on the Senate Budget Committee that Bernie Sanders recently appointed. She is in the vanguard of promoting and explaining the precepts of Modern Money Theory. With her being in this position and Bernie Sanders’ using her advice so prominently, I predict that the American (and world) conversation about government debts and deficits will be turned up-side-down. This may have been an historic moment that you just watched.

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