Daily Archives: August 3, 2016

On Contact: Into the Political Wilderness with Jill Stein

There is a YouTube video On Contact: Into the Political Wilderness with Jill Stein.

Now that the two major political parties have officially selected their nominees for president, Chris Hedges sits down with Green Party candidate for president, Dr. Jill Stein, to discuss an alternative way forward. Bernie Sanders might be out of the race, but Stein says the Green Party is leading the revolutionary charge. RT Correspondent Anya Parampil looks at third parties that have renewed the political vibrancy of American society.

You just have to see this. This is a great “interview” where Jill Stein gets to do most of the talking, and Chris Hedges just feeds her the topics.

Jill Stein even gets to say what are the magic words for me – William K. Black. Black is a former S&L regulator who wrote the book, “The Best Way To Rob A Bank Is To Own One”


On April 4, 1986, The New York Times published an opinion piece SEND ‘EM A MESSAGE? HE SURE DID.

People keep asking me why I would vote for someone who can’t win. Much as I don’t like the example, what George Wallace did is a very good explanation. It worked for Southern racists, why not put the lesson to good use instead?

Here are the facts in The New York Times story.

In 1968, Mr. Wallace ran on his own American Independent Party ticket. It was an extremely close two-way result, with Richard Nixon’s 43.4 percent beating Hubert Humphrey’s 42.7 percent. But George Wallace won an amazing 14 percent.

Not only did Richard Nixon win the election of 1968, but by 1972 he had come up with a Southern strategy based on the lesson from George Wallace. That lesson was that he could pander to the racist inclinations of southern voters and politicians to win the south away from the Democrats and to the Republican party. Almost 45 years later, we are still suffering from the “lesson” George Wallace taught the nation.

So, a vote for Jill Stein could set in motion a wave that makes the ideas of Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders dominant for the next 50 years. That could happen without either of them actually winning this race. What political race did Martin Luther King, Jr. ever win? Yet, his impact on this country and the world is undeniable.

The Crisis of Credit Visualized

YouTube has this excellent video The Crisis of Credit Visualized.

The Short and Simple Story of the Credit Crisis — The Full Version

By Jonathan Jarvis.


The goal of giving form to a complex situation like the credit crisis is to quickly supply the essence of the situation to those unfamiliar and uninitiated.

This is the original, full version.

There is still a lot of misinformation being spread about how the 2008/2009 crash happened and who is to blame. This 11 minute video makes it crystal clear how and why it happened. If you insist on blaming people like Barney Frank, at least get the right reason – lack of regulation. He did not promote the bad loans, he failed to stop them.

Trump Says He’ll Spend More Than $500 Billion on Infrastructure

Robert Reich has posted an analysis of an article.  The Bloomberg article is at Trump Says He’ll Spend More Than $500 Billion on Infrastructure.

Unbelievable. Trump has actually come up with a sensible economic proposal. He said today he’d “at least double” the size of Clinton’s proposed $275 billion to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure – putting people back to work repairing America’s crumbling roads, bridges, public transportation, water and sewage systems.

Trump was vague about how he’d pay for it, but sounds as if he intends to have the government borrow the money.

Let’s see if I have the mechanics of this right.  The FED creates money which it feeds to the rich people of the country (quantitative easing is one example.  Buying worthless private paper with official money), then another arm of the government, the Treasury, borrows the money back with interest, and spends it on the infrastructure.  How is that different in economic effect from the FED creates the money, gives it to the Treasury, and the Treasury spends it on the infrastructure? No debt, no gift to the rich.  (There are some economic differences which would be a healthy exercise for you to contemplate.)

When Reich asks what do I think, I gave him this response.

Well, I think you are being disingenuous by talking about the need to pay for this, when you know full well that the US Government is the only entity that has the legal right and responsibility to create fiat money for the USA.

You can also try to tell us that Hillary Clinton, whom you have known for 50 years, is qualified to be President, when you know in fact that she hasn’t a clue about economics, and has the most incompetent, Wall Street friendly economic advisors that it is possible to find?

When are you going to start leveling with your readers?

Even some of the economists who purport to be on our side are not willing to tell the whole truth. What’s with that?